Week 12 Picks


“He got a real pretty mouth ain’t he?”

Week 12 Picks

What difference does the week after Labour Day make?  This year, pretty much none, save for the Als v BC game.

Montreal @ BC: Friday, September 9 (10:00pm EDT)

Pick: BC
I heard Glenn was benched.  HAHAHAHAHA!

BANJO BOWL Saskatchewan @ Winnipeg: Saturday, September 10 (4:00pm EDT)

Pick: Winnipeg
Ohhhh the CFL has it in for the cheaters!!! Oh my gee golly gosh! We need a new comish! The fix is in!


Calgary @ Edmonton: Saturday, September 10, (7:00pm EDT)

Pick: Calgary
Calgary is already planning the parade.

Hamilton @ Toronto: Sunday, September 11 (4:30pm EDT)

Pick: Hamilton
Ricky Ray is gone for the year?  Is it possible he’s played his last game?  This could be an evisceration.

Last Week

4-1 A perfect week minus a blemish.


27-18.  I’m not sure how proud of that I should be.

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