“There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man’s fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Twilight Zone.”
Bombers win? Holy shit! The no-one-gave-them-a-chance Blue Bombers didn’t just win they dominated! They made Ricky Ray look like a choir boy
Week 1 was awesome! Ok, no it wasn’t, two games were horrible but football was finally back on TV. The extra long weekend didn’t leave much time for blogging so it’s a quick hitter this week.
If you didn’t catch Canada Week from the Monday Morning Quarterback (Sports Illustrated) then you should ASAP before your boss walks by. It was by far the most coverage the CFL has had down south in years and was very well written. I noticed a few new American fans posting on the boards and blogs this week getting their pre-NFL football fix as a result. Hopefully the recently signed ESPN deal allows the CFL to capitalize on the new American interest, which is being driven by the fact there is nothing going on in the NFL right now.
With that in mind, it’s high time the season started earlier for three reasons:
1. To compete less with the NFL in fall.
2. So there is something to watch after the NHL season is over.
3. So the Grey Cup isn’t played so damn late in the year. 2015 is in Winnipeg and it only makes sense Ottawa and Hamilton will get it 2016 and 2017. By then there will be grass inside SkyDome with the Argos presumably playing at BMO field. That only leaves BC Place and Olympic Stadium as indoor venues. Don’t start about how the championship game should be played outside. I don’t personally know anyone else who has gone to more Grey Cups than I and it fucking sucks sitting out in the cold in November. The indoor games are always more enjoyable and that’s why most of you watch on TV anyway. Not to mention the fact that the quality of play is better as well.
Heineken Hero of the Week: Drew Willy
Looked like a football god for the first 30 minutes. CFL player of the week too. I take back every bad thing I ever said about him (unless he shits the bed against the Robblacks — then he’s dead to me).
Ass of the Week: Kevin Glenn
I told you he was going to throw it away. Kevin Glenn would throw away his own mother if he had the arm strength. I almost feel sorry for BC, almost. I fully expect Glenn’s last pass in the CFL will be an INT and it will come sooner rather than later.
Honourable Mention: Troy Smith
This guy won a Heisman Trophy? Looks a lot like Vince Ferragamo to me…
But there was also Zach Collaros.
It wasn’t much of a quarterback driven league in week 1.
Nice to see TSN changing up their tunes. I’m curious to see if they have a new Friday Night Football jingle (I didn’t catch the Friday night pre-season games). Although this was terrible it really stuck in your head:
The quality of the TSN broadcasts are becoming less bush league every year. Rod Smith also fits in well on the panel, I already forgot the name of that other midget.
Week one may have already given us the CFL’s hardest hit all season: a clothesline forearm to the head with a knockout. The only thing missing was Cornish’s oatmeal on the turf (shitty quality, sorry, all I could find):
I couldn’t find that time a Bomber defender (I think it was against Edmonton maybe 5-6 years back) hit someone so hard they threw up but I found this, enjoy:
That’s all this week you filthy dogs. Week 2 starts tonight, tune in next week, same Bastard time, same Bastard Blog!